Night Dreams I Have Had

I learnt from the book that sleeping occurs in several stages, that we dream every time we fall asleep, and that our ability to recall a dream depends on the stage of sleep in which we wake up.
Personally, I forget many of my night dreams after waking up. That must be the reason why masters of the English language coined the phrase "as fleeting as yesternight's dream."
Although I have forgotten many of my night dreams, I do know I have had quite a number of good dreams as well as bad ones. So good have been some of my dreams that I have felt disappointed on waking up only to realize they weren't real. As for the bad ones, I remember waking up from some of them and feeling grateful that they weren't real.
Talking of the way I forget most of my night dreams, there have been moments I have recalled my night dreams after coming across an object or a person that was in the dreams. A good example is when I attended the funeral of a primary schoolmate of mine a few years ago and saw Ludovic Kahoro, a catechist of my hometown Catholic church.
Seeing Kahoro during that funeral made me recall that the night before, I had dreamt of myself wearing his church robes without his permission. And when he saw me wearing his robes (in the dream, that is), he rebuked me. Had I not seen Kahoro during the funeral, I doubt whether I would have remembered that dream.
There are some other dreams I have managed to recall owing to the way they have recurred many times in my sleep. For instance, I have dreamt several times visiting London. I guess I will experience a strong sense of déjà vu when I get to visit London for the first time.
Also, I have dreamt a dozen times over the last ten years of my high school class, Starehe Boys' class of '05, repeating our fourth form year. And I don't know why my mind has kept on repeating that dream in my sleep. Maybe it's because Starehe is a school that is dear to my heart due to the valuable skills I gained and the lasting friendships I formed while there.
Additionally, there are some other night dreams I have remembered for their strangeness. They have been as strange as the apocalyptic writings in the Bible. My mind has picked several events, sceneries as well as people and combined them in one dream.
Several months ago for example, I dreamt going for evening assembly at Starehe Boys' Centre as if I was in high school again. On my way to the hall, I followed a river with very muddy water. Then I happened to go past the assembly hall without realizing it and found myself in coffee plantations further afield. And then I thought to myself if I had involved God in my plans, He would probably have kept me from walking past the assembly hall.
As to how my mind combined Starehe Boys' assembly hall, a river, coffee plantations and God in one dream is something I don't understand. A strange dream it was.
Another strange dream I recollect was one I had in 2003 when I travelled to Kisumu, a city in western Kenya, with the Starehe Boys' volleyball team. I saw extra-large things during that dream: big heads, big fires and so on. A nightmare would be a better word to describe that dream.
Enough about my night dreams. How about you, my beloved reader? Which dreams in your sleep can you manage to recall?
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