The creation of the atom bomb was first thought possible by a team of scientists that included the great particle physicist, Albert Einstein. In a letter written in 1939, Einstein advised Franklin Roosevelt, the then President of the United States, that the government sets aside funds to construct the bomb. Mark you, 1939 was one of those years preceding World War 2 when enemy nations were rising against the United States, such as Japan which in 1941 bombed Pearl Harbour in the U.S. state of Hawaii.
Roosevelt acceded to Einstein's request. His administration provided the funds for the construction of the potentially lethal bomb. After a few years of work, the created atom bombs were secretly tested and turned out to be as lethal as Einstein had predicted.
And you know what? In 1945 when Japan continued being a pain in the [insert body part here] to the United States, Harry Truman, the then President of the United States who had succeeded Roosevelt, ordered two atom bombs to be dropped in Japan. The effects of the bombs were so devastating that Japan quickly surrendered. That ended World War 2, the most disastrous conflict in human history.
It's interesting to note that Albert Einstein, who was among those that masterminded the construction of the atom bomb, had fled Germany, another enemy nation of the United States during World War 2. He left Germany in the 1930s to avoid the injustices that were meted out to the Jews by the barbaric Nazi regime headed by Adolf Hitler.
Einstein's escape from Germany turned out to be a blessing in disguise because had he stayed in Germany, he would have assisted the barbaric Nazi regime in creating the first atom bomb, which would have made the world take a dangerous turning point. God be thanked that it is the just and fair United States, with its tenets of liberty and justice for all, that created the first atom bomb.
The United States was lucky to have been the only nation in 1945 with the intelligence and resources to create an atom bomb. So when it dropped the lethal bombs in Japan that year, no opposing nation could counter the aggression.
Today, things have changed because every major power has an arsenal of atom bombs. The Soviet Union, for instance, built an even more lethal hydrogen bomb a few years after the end of World War 2.
So if the United States decides to drop an atom bomb in Moscow now, ten minutes later, Chicago and New York City will be annihilated. It's now not an issue of dropping the atom bomb on somebody; it's now an issue of dropping the atom bomb on everybody.
That's probably why in 1949, Albert Einstein quipped, "I do not know with what weapons World War 3 will be fought but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones."
Of course Einstein's point, I think, was that World War 3 would involve the use of advanced atom bombs that would wipe out all civilized men on Earth, sparing only bushmen in remote areas who would use sticks and stones to fight World War 4.
Upon realizing how lethal the atom bomb is, I remembered reading in an old international news magazine (either "Time" or "Newsweek") when I was in high school at Starehe Boys' Centre, of a massive celestial body that bombarded Jupiter circa 1994.
Astronomers opine that the impact didn't affect Jupiter that much since the planet is gigantic. But if the same celestial body had bombarded our beautiful Earth, which is far too smaller than Jupiter, it's effect on the planet would have been so catastrophic that it would have led to the extinction of some living species.
I therefore thought to myself as a wise man would think, "Aha! How about using the atom bomb to prevent such a catastrophe?" From that line of thinking, I came up with what I call the Thuita doctrine which states as follows:
The international community should team up to create seven lethal atom bombs that should be rocketed to the international space station in readiness to dismantle into dust any massive celestial body that might be detected to be on its way to bombard the Earth.That Thuita doctrine could save the human civilization from a similar extinction that befell on dinosaurs after a huge meteorite struck the Earth during the Mesozoic Era. So the atom bombs, which after World War 2 worried some world leaders that they could end the human civilization, could actually save it from extinction. See?