Solving the Money Problem
My dreams back in 2014 were to own a classy car, get engaged to a winsome lady, build a magnificent home, have a colorful wedding, travel overseas and sire three children with my wife. Those dreams still remain the desires of my heart to this day.
With time, it has gelled in my mind that I can earn money for actualizing my dreams from the Google ads on this lovely blog of mine. What I have been working on is coming up with inspiring stories and beautiful hymns that will keep people flocking to this blog. You see, writing and composing hymns are the talents God gifted me with.
I have come to enjoy blogging. Nothing delights me more these days than seeing people all over the world visit this blog. What enchants me even more is the positive feedback I occasionally receive from my blog visitors who inform me that they have enjoyed reading a story or listening to a hymn on this blog.
But here's the snag: the number of my blog visitors is currently not big enough to make me earn the money I need to actualize my dreams. I am always praying that my blog audience grows to a hundred visitors each day. "If I can attract such an audience," I have said to myself, "then I will make decent money even when I am sleeping, and thus get the means to actualize my dreams and reach the Promised Land."
My Dad seems to be also concerned about me earning enough money to be self-reliant. On the evening of last Thursday, as I was about to leave home for my hometown of Kiserian, he broached to me the idea of me seeing a life coach. I replied that I don't need a life coach since I have found my calling in blogging. And I added that for me, books are the best mentors.
To be honest, Dad ruffled my feathers by telling me to see a life coach because it implied that I don't know what I am doing with my life. On my way to Kiserian, I decided to suggest to him that the money he would use to hire a life coach for me would be better used to promote my blog on Twitter by posting adverts aimed at increasing my Twitter followers.
After I arrived back home from Kiserian and suggested to Dad what I had in mind, he was still adamant that I should see a life coach. That infuriated me further. The following day (Friday), all I was thinking about when I woke up in the morning was Dad's annoying idea that I see a life coach. I contemplated commanding him to never broach that idea to me again but I thought it unwise of me to say that to him.
As I continued fuming over Dad's idea that I see a life coach, I remembered the old proverb that says, "I groused because I had no shoes till I met a man with no feet." Then I rephrased the proverb this way to suit my situation, "I felt angry over Dad telling me to see a life coach till I met a child with no Dad." Rephrasing the proverb that way brought peace to my disturbed soul.
Ever the smart young man, I hatched a plan of discussing the issue of me promoting my blog on Twitter with my eldest brother Joe Kagigite when he visited us on Sunday. Since Joe has always encouraged me to be a blogger, I was sanguine that he would understand me and inform Dad that what I needed was not a life coach but a way of promoting my blog.
But alas! When Joe came home on Sunday and I raised the issue as I had planned, he burst my bubble by siding with Dad. He told me that even athletes hire coaches. Unfortunately for me, I was unable to defend my point of view.
I am still in a dilemma on how to grow my blog audience to a hundred visitors each day. But I am trusting that God will come through for me again as He has in the past by making for me a way where there is no way. I believe He will part the Red Sea in my life as He did for the Israelites, and help me solve the money problem that is keeping me from actualizing my dreams. Ciao!
RECOMMENDATION: If you've enjoyed the above story on solving my money problem, you might also enjoy another one on "Scoring in Life" which I wrote several years ago. Just click on that link in blue to dive straight into the story.