Hope to Cope

We all have to labor if we are to get genuinely rich. As for me, the promise that God can make someone suddenly rich makes me hopeful that I will become financially free through the work I do on this blog.
I am hoping that soon, my blog audience will increase exponentially, thus making me earn big bucks from the Google ads on the blog. How the audience will increase, I am not sure.
There was a Sunday in October last year when this blog miraculously received hundreds of visitors. Though the numbers dwindled after a few days, the miracle made me more hopeful that my blog audience can increase.
At a time not so far from now, I hope to receive millions of shillings from Google Adsense like the way my kid brother Symo witnessed a company receive when he was working as an auditor with KPMG-Kenya.
Clinging to such hope makes me cope with these lean times. Isn't hope a wonderful virtue? I now believe no one becomes poor until they lose hope.
Hope is wonderful because it makes us optimistic that things will pan out well. Optimism, in turn, makes us fare better in times of waiting or challenges.
In his book "Be Inspired Before You Expire", Pepe Minambo said that optimists are consistently promoted higher and make more money while working fewer hours than pessimists.
Optimists also have more rewarding marriages and get divorced less often than pessimists. They are also more energetic, positive, peaceful and emotionally healthy.
Because of their positivity, optimists suffer less from conditions of the heart, cancer and a host of other health problems. They also recover from surgery quicker, commit suicide less often, hardly get involved in accidents and live longer.
What's more, optimists contribute more significantly to social progress. It is the optimists who start and run successful companies, who make breakthroughs in the realms of science and technology, and who win elections and carry out reforms.
Given those wonderful benefits of optimism, I beseech you, my beloved reader, to also find something to be hopeful about. It could be the thought of growing suddenly rich or of reuniting with your loved ones in heaven. We need hope to cope.
RECOMMENDATION: If you've enjoyed the above story on having hope to cope, you might also enjoy another one on "Keeping Hope Alive" which I wrote a couple of years ago. Just click on that link in blue to dive straight into the story.
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