Ministering Through Blogging

Being the helpful fellow that I was, I assisted John do a task. When he jokingly said that I wasn't doing the task properly, I asked him which job would fit me. He blurted out in Kikuyu, "A nursery school teacher!"
Though I laughed at his remark, I have realized he wasn't off the mark because I gave up trying to understand the intricacies of electronic & computer engineering and have instead chosen to focus on writing uplifting stories and producing beautiful hymns.
I share my stories and hymns on this blog. My goal is to make people who visit the blog find hope, healing and encouragement in what I share. This blog is therefore my ministry. If you didn't know, I am a certified evangelist.
One thing I have learned is that the joy I feel and the experiences I go through are not for showing off but for brightening others up. So I am always here to inspire, not to impress.
Just like the sun emits light for other heavenly bodies and trees produce fruits for other creatures, I aspire to use my knowledge and experiences to inspire others in one way or another.
So far, I have been through too much pain. As a teenager, I was often described as confused. And when I turned twenty in 2008, I developed more problems that took a long time to heal. I use my healing to touch people with godly stories and hymns.
It was that desire to touch people with godly stories that I made it a rule to mention the word "God", "Jesus" or "Bible" in each story I wrote in 2018. Eventually, I ditched that rule because it was too constraining.
Recently, I had a light-bulb moment that I don't have to mention the word "God", "Jesus" or "Bible" in my stories to make them godly. What I need to do is have the stories reflect Christian virtues such as love, hope, faith, kindness and compassion.
You know what? It dawned on me that some of my past stories on this blog were satanic in nature. In one story, I vilified God in an attempt to be humorous. And in another story, I called someone a fool for offending me.
In all honesty, it was sinful to talk ill of God in order to make people laugh. It was also sinful to call someone a fool. That's why I deleted the story in which I vilified God and corrected the one in which I referred to someone as a fool.
Those shortcomings notwithstanding, I believe I have done a pretty good job in sharing godly contents on this blog. Whether I am winning souls for Christ is something I am unaware of. But I like to think I touch hearts.
As I continue ministering through this blog, I will draw inspiration from Rick Warren, Joel Osteen and Billy Graham: three American preachers whose sermons and writings address the issues we face everyday. I will strive to emulate their example. So help me God.
RECOMMENDATION: If you've enjoyed the above story on ministering through blogging, you might also enjoy another one on "Blogging as a Profession" which I wrote a few years ago. Just click on that link in blue to dive straight into the story.
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