Finding the Way

It kind of makes me feel ashamed to say that I am still living in my parents' home. Part of the reason for my delayed progress has been a lack of clarity on how to attain the dreams I have had along the way.
Ever since I was in my late teens, I have always had a desire to achieve greatness. I have developed a passion for learning and explored my talents in writing, singing, piano-playing, public speaking and computer programming.
While learning and exploring my talents, I got to know of successful people like Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan who became my heroes. They inspired me to reach for greatness with their speeches and writings.
However, for a long time, it wasn't clear to me how I could utilize my talents in an exciting job that would make me as successful as Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. I therefore attempted venture after venture, only to be met with failure.
Among the ventures I have embarked on are trying to start a company, running for a political seat, applying for a prestigious leadership program and writing books. Boy, didn't I do foolish things as I attempted to succeed in those ventures!
Besides lacking clarity on how to utilize my talents in an exciting job, my other main weakness was indiscipline. There were times I couldn't resist the temptation to sleep during the day and to view adult content on the internet. And whenever I tried to change, I would somehow give up.
Due to my indiscipline, I was often controlled by people who acted as if they were superior to me even though I was more ambitious than them. Like a fool, I would listen to their pieces of advice without judging their intelligence.
A certain neighbour, for instance, once instructed me to open a shop in my hometown of Kiserian. She talked authoritatively, not knowing I had skills in piano-playing and computer programming. But what sickens me most is that I listened to more of her advice without thinking for myself.
Such failure to think for myself is another reason why I am not yet in my own home. So, from now henceforth, I will strive to be totally in command of myself, which I believe is the key to attaining the greatness I have longed for.
And it has dawned on me that I can attain that greatness by improving the quality of stories, hymns and speeches that I share on this monetized blog of mine. Since I disciplined myself to be diligent, I have been enjoying making my blog stories more readable and accurate.
The fact that it's not until recently that I have started being diligent means that it is God who is in control of my life. I trust He will direct my steps so that I soon become a family man as His Word intends me to do.
But all those years I have failed in my ventures have not been a waste because they have made me develop roots of understanding that I believe will make me attain lasting greatness.
Having said that, I now agree with whoever stated, "You don't choose your time; your time chooses you. You are where and who you are for a reason." Adieu!
RECOMMENDATION: If you've enjoyed the above story on finding the way, you might also enjoy another one on "Thriving" which I wrote a couple of years ago. Just click on that link in blue to dive straight into the story.
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