I loved going to Shem's piano school on Sundays, especially at one time when he imported about ten pianos from Japan. It was during one of my visits to the piano school that I came across a Success magazine which I took home without Shem's permission. (Oh, I hope he will forgive me if he reads this story.)
While flicking through that Success magazine, I saw an article that listed the benefits of working in a team. The article captivated me so much that I cut out a section of the magazine that listed the benefits of working in a team and glued it on a page in an exercise book I christened "Dream Book".
Unfortunately, a cow chewed that Dream Book of mine sometime in 2010 after I left it on our home compound where the cows were grazing. I mentioned that loss to my kid brother Symo who remarked wryly, "Maybe God wants you to change your dreams."
Methinks that the cow chewed my Dream Book as God's way of punishing me for taking the Success Magazine without Shem's permission and going ahead to cut out pages from it. So I no longer steal. Neither do I cut out images from books and magazines.
Anyway, since one of our cows chewed my Dream Book, I have no record of the benefits of working in a team as the Success magazine so captivatingly outlined. But on jogging my memory, I have recalled the following benefits:
- Diminishes our fears
- Boosts our confidence
- Develops our imagination
- Improves our mental clarity
- Hones our communication skills
- Helps us achieve our dreams faster
- Helps us develop strong interpersonal skills
- Helps us develop good sportsmanship skills
You see, I have talents in singing and piano-playing. And I have always desired to produce inspirational songs. My dreams of excelling in teamwork and producing inspirational songs dovetail nicely because producing hit songs involves working in a team of talented music producers. I have resolved to pursue those dreams with renewed vigor. Watch this space!